Views over Prague. (Photo credit: CroisiEurope)

CroisiEurope Teams Up with TRAVELSAVERS

Views over Prague. (Photo credit: CroisiEurope)

CroisiEurope has teamed up with TRAVELSAVERS in a new partnership that will begin at the start of 2017. Through this partnership, TRAVELSAVERS’ 2,500 independently owned full-service travel agencies and home-based agents will receive preferred commission status on CroisiEurope’s portfolio of river, canal and coastal cruises in Europe, Asia and, in 2018, Africa.

In 2017, CroisiEurope will also introduce five new ships to the fleet—the MS Miguel Torga that will operate on the Douro, the MS Indochine II that will operate on the Mekong, and the MS Symphonie II and MS France Douce II that will operate on the Rhine and Danube Rivers. Additionally, at the end of the year, CroisiEurope will unveil its first ship on Africa’s Chobe and Zambezi Rivers, the MS African Dream.

Next year will also mark the debut of CroisiEurope’s new Discovery Excursion packages. In addition to the traditional excursions, guests will have the option of booking this package for more immersive or out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Examples of activities available in the Discovery packages include hiking through famed vineyards, riding mechanical elephant sculptures through Nantes or hot air balloon rides over the Loire Valley. For more information, visit