MGM Buffets Close as Coronavirus Precaution


As of today, according to Worldometer, there are 121,242 coronavirus cases and 4,378 deaths. As the virus continues to spread, companies are taking precautions. The latest is MGM Resorts International that will temporarily close its buffets at its seven Las Vegas Strip properties: Aria, Bellagio, MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, The Mirage, Luxor, and Excalibur effective this Sunday in light of coronavirus fears.

In addition, MGM Resorts has added hand sanitizer dispensing stations in high-traffic, visible areas including entrances, exits, elevator landings, and hotel lobbies. It has also increased the frequency of disinfectant procedures with a focus on faucets and toilet flush levers, doorknobs and locks, entrance and exit doors and door handles, handrails, slot machines handles, and armrests, elevator buttons, and light switches.

Destinations, hotels, resorts, and attractions have all added preventive measures in line with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For example, Disney Parks and Resorts have added additional hand sanitizers throughout the park, increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfection in high guest contact areas.

For more updates on travel during the Coronavirus outbreak, click here. Don’t miss, “Coronavirus’ Impact on Your Peers’ Bookings” and “Novel Coronavirus Travel Questions—What to Tell Wary Travelers.”