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Wave of Change is Iberostar’s pioneering movement dedicated to the oceans and to leading responsible tourism. Fifteen goals have been broken down into three pillars of action: moving towards a circular economy, responsible consumption of seafood and improving coastal health. In a sector like tourism, where people are the center of the business, both customers and employees play important roles in reaching these goals.

Circular economy in all of the hotel’s operations are foundational to global ocean health and resilient business. Iberostar defines circular economy as the restorative and regenerative sourcing use of water and energy in their hotels. As of 2020, Iberostar’s hotels are now free of single-use plastics. All-inclusive amenities such as shampoo bottles and toothbrushes have been replaced with non-plastic materials or rigorously vetted biodegradable alternatives. By 2025 Iberostar commits to becoming waste free and by 2030 to reach carbon neutrality in all operations. The responsible sourcing of seafood is also essential to the health of our oceans and the local communities depending on them. At Iberostar seafood is sourced from eco-certified farms and fisheries in line with Iberostar’s goal for consumption of seafood to be 100 percent responsible by 2025. Lastly, to lead tourism that increases coastal protection and restoration, Iberostar works endlessly to discover, protect and restore seagrasses, coral reefs, and mangroves amongst many other ecosystems, ensuring a strong scientific foundation in every project to promote coastal health. By 2030, the goal is for all ecosystems that surround Iberostar properties to be improving in ecological health alongside profitable tourism.

The best way to improve coastal health is by discovery and connecting people with the oceans is one of the best ways to protect it. Iberostar brings you closer to the ocean and marine life at their destinations with the new Wave of Change Discovery program. A key part of this program is bringing the ocean and its importance to guests in the hotel during their stay through “Ocean Points.” An example of this is the Coral Lab in Dominican Republic, an on-lab research facility where guests can drop by to learn more about corals, their importance, the work being done to care for them and see live corals on land. Another ocean point example is in Playa Paraiso, where clients can see mangroves, understand their importance to protect our coasts and learn ways to help combat climate change to become carbon neutral. The ocean is a lifeline to tourism and it is our responsibility to protect it. By prioritizing ocean health, sustainable seafood and other elements of responsible tourism into travelers’ experiences Iberostar is creating a Wave of Change.

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