Adventure Canada, which provides small-ship expedition travel in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland, announced increased commissions for travel advisors. Effective immediately, it has increased agent commission protection to a minimum $250 per traveler, and has eliminated processing fees on sales.
Travel has been one of the hardest hit industries during the pandemic and yet travel advisors continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape with dedication, care and effort to keep tour operators running. Over the past year, Adventure Canada worked closely with its valued agents to determine the best ways to provide support during this time of recovery and in this new age of travel. Through those conversations, a new Travel Agent Booking Terms and Conditions mandate was created.
“Our partners mean the world to us,” says Matthew James Swan, director of business development at Adventure Canada, in a press statement. “The immense value of working with travel advisors shines brightly through their wealth of knowledge, connections, and experience and we are committed to recognizing their efforts, especially during these challenging times.”
For Adventure Canada’s Travel Advisor Portal, visit
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