The Dominican Republic implements new safety protocols.

The Dominican Republic Implements New Entry Protocols

The Dominican Republic implements new safety protocols.

The Dominican Republic will be implementing new entry protocols and provisions to its Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan as of Sept. 15, according to the Minister of Tourism of Dominican Republic, David Collado, who is working with different sectors on the last details.

The minister noted that he has been working hand-in-hand with the private sector, health authorities and other sectors in the improvement of hospitals located in the country’s main tourist centers, verifying bed availability and conditions, in order to have well-tuned logistics for the management of potential visitors infected and with symptoms of COVID-19.

As of September 15, tourists arriving in Dominican Republic will no longer need to show a negative PCR test completed prior to entering the country. Instead, a non-invasive breath test will be performed randomly for diagnosis. Likewise, foreign visitors who enter the country from Sept. 15 to Dec. 31, 2020, will have a free traveler assistance plan provided at the time of check-in at their hotel, which includes emergencies in case of an infection of COVID-19.

“The Tourism Recovery Plan includes measures that no country in the region currently has,” said Minister Collado.

Additionally, on September 15 the Ministry of Public Health will begin publishing a special report for tourist centers on contagions and casualties related to COVID-19, in pursuit of continuing the highly controlled situation in which they currently are. It is important to highlight that today, when it comes to the pandemic, the country maintains several of the most favorable indicators in the entire region.

With these measures, the Ministry of Tourism reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the safety and trust of tourists who are attracted by the beauty and charms Dominican Republic has to offer.

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And, for more safety protocol updates at various resorts and tour operators, click here. And, don’t miss, “Health & Sanitations Protocols at U.S. Hotels Impact Guests’ Comfort.”