Shoal Bay Beach, Anguilla.

Anguilla Reopens Borders for International Travel

Shoal Bay Beach, Anguilla.

Anguilla has announced that it will reopen its borders for international travel on May. 25, 2021, with a phased schedule for vaccinated visitors.

The move follows the successful containment of a cluster of active COVID-19 cases identified on Apr. 20, 2021, which led to a month-long closure for the island, as well as Anguilla’s progressive vaccination program which continues apace.

“We suffered a temporary setback when we had to close our borders on Apr. 22,” declared Quincia Gumbs-Marie, Hon. Parliamentary Secretary Tourism, Anguilla, in a press release statement. “We acted swiftly and implemented a number of proactive measures to manage and contain this cluster of infections, along with an expanded vaccination outreach. The result is that we are confident we can now safely reopen while protecting the health of our residents and visitors.”

Between May. 25 and Jun. 30, the following protocols will be in place. All travelers must apply for entry approval on the island’s website. Fully vaccinated travelers will no longer need to provide proof of health insurance and will only be required to stay in place for seven days. Vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers must submit a test 3-5 days before their arrival date, be tested upon arrival, and at the end of their stay in place period.

Multi-generational travelers and groups with unvaccinated and vaccinated travelers must stay in place for 10-14 days using approved short stay services only. Groups of ten or more planning to conduct gatherings such as conferences or weddings must be vaccinated in order to enter Anguilla. Application fees for entry to Anguilla will be $300 for the first traveler and $200 for each additional traveler.

From Jul. 1, 2021, all travelers who are eligible to receive a vaccine must be vaccinated in order to enter Anguilla. Vaccinated travelers will no longer be required to pay entry fees, provide proof of insurance, be tested upon arrival or remain in place. Vaccinated travelers must still apply for entry permission, present proof of vaccination upon entry, and provide a negative COVID-19 test 3-5 days before entry.

Multi-generational families and groups with individuals who are not eligible for the vaccine will no longer be required to remain in place. All members of the group will be required to provide a negative PCR test 3-5 days before arrival, and may be tested on arrival and subsequently during their stay.

“Anguilla remains a desirable and sought-after destination, which is reflected in our solid forward bookings for the Memorial Day weekend and beyond,” said Stacey Liburd, director of tourism, Anguilla, in a press release statement. “We look forward to welcoming back our many repeat guests and introducing a host of new friends to Anguilla.”

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