New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, has flattened the curve and has entered phase one of reopening.
“Today we are turning the page on the COVID-19 virus as we reopen New York City – we didn’t just flatten the curve, we bent it, and we did it all based on data and facts,” Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said in a statement. “You look at where we are now with our testing results and we now have the lowest levels in the state since March 16th, and that’s why I have confidence saying to New Yorkers that we are ready to reopen. All this progress has been made because of our hard work, and we can’t get sloppy now or else we’ll see those numbers start to go back up.”
What does phase one reopening mean? About 400,000 New Yorkers are permitted to go back to work and trains and buses will run on a more frequent schedule. This is the first of a four-step process that has been created to reopen New York City in a judicious manner.
During phase one, retail is limited to delivery. Social distancing and facemasks are still required and groups of up to 10 can gather.
Other regions in the state have entered phase two which allows outdoor dining. For more updates on new protocols, visit Recommend’s Safe Travels page. Stories about future travel can be accessed at #AmazingDaysAhead.