Riviera Nayarit: Hotels Prepare to Reopen in June


The top hotel chains in Riviera Nayarit will start reopening their doors in June, once the quarantine orders imposed due to COVID-19 are lifted, complying with the highest standards of hygiene and quality to ensure the safety of visitors.

According to Jesus Carmona Jimenez, president of the Banderas Bay Hotel and Motel Association (AHMBB), the destination will begin the first phase for reopening the hotels in the Riviera Nayarit tourist corridor on June 1. About 20 hotels will reopen their facilities during the first few days of June.

He added the reopening will occur gradually and in alignment with the actions of Mexico’s Federal Ministry of Tourism, which considers the activation of internal tourism as essential to the rebuilding of the domestic economy.

The destination expects a short summer season as soon as quarantine is lifted with an occupation that may not be as high, but present, nonetheless.

‘See What Awaits You’
As part of its communications and promotions strategies, the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) has launched the “See What Awaits You” campaign, which leans heavily on images of its natural and manmade attractions under the premise of “When you’re ready to leave home, we’ll be waiting for you.” Along with videos, the office has also created loops with images of the associated hotels that can be shared over its different channels.

Click here for a sample: Look What’s Waiting For You

According to Marc Murphy, managing director of the CVB, the idea is for the Riviera Nayarit to remain top of mind in its domestic and international markets.

For more information, visit rivieranayarit.com.