G Adventures Visits New Ports in West Africa

Elmina Ghana

After a successful West Africa voyage this year, G Adventures has extended its 2014 trip up the coast of West Africa adding new ports.

The 32-day cruise on MS Expedition will depart next April and visit 14 countries, stopping in 16 ports, including the new ports of Dakhla in the Western Sahara; Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands and Agadir in Morocco. The trip starts in Cape Town and ends in Marrakech, featuring South African wine tastings, daily lectures from experts and visits to museums and castles, such as Elmira Castle and Cape Coast Castle in Ghana.

Rates start at $16,999 pp and include 29 nights on board the ship; all onboard meals; two hotel nights with breakfast in Cape Town and Marrakech; airport transfers; shore excursions; sightseeing; lectures and wine tastings. For more information, call (800) 708-7761 or visit gadventures.com.